IT Consultation Solutions for research – the university’s best kept secret?

The University of Helsinki IT Center provides a supporting service for researchers and research communities few know about. Yet the university’s IT Consultation Solutions specialists have successfully tackled complex research-related IT challenges since 2012. So what is the IT Consultation Solutions service and how can your research benefit? IT consultation specialists Janne Markkanen, Jonne Viljanen and Ville Virtanen explain how the service works.

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”Avoimuus on a ja o, ja se vahvistuu koko ajan” – Ari Asmin Open Data Champions -haastattelu

Datan jakamisen on oltava tutkijalle helppoa ja palkitsevaa, jotta avoimuus yleistyisi, toteaa Open Data Champions -tunnustuksella palkittu Ari Asmi. Asmille avoimessa datassa on kysymys tutkijantyön ja -uran edistämisen lisäksi tieteen periaatteiden toteutumisesta: avoimuus on tieteen edellytys. Läpinäkyvyys on erityisen tärkeää, kun tutkimukseen kohdistuu poliittista painetta.

Jatka lukemista ””Avoimuus on a ja o, ja se vahvistuu koko ajan” – Ari Asmin Open Data Champions -haastattelu”

Enthusiasm about the new horizons – automatic data science adapted to European history and its everyday documents: newspapers

The NewsEye project builds an automatic Research Assistant based on artificial intelligence. Research will benefit from the tools and possibilities of searching and browsing huge amounts of text material. Kick off meeting of the project was held in France in May.

Jatka lukemista ”Enthusiasm about the new horizons – automatic data science adapted to European history and its everyday documents: newspapers”