Delete unnecessary versions of data, release some space – Bess Hardwick’s Data Cleaning Week challenge

University of Helsinki’s information systems specialist Bess Hardwick challenges herself and REC research centre team to join Data Cleaning Week by deleting unnecessary versions of data and releasing space on computers. UH Data Support’s Data Cleaning Week will be held from 16th to 20th December 2019.

Information systems specialist Bess Hardwick (TUHAT) works at REC, the Research Centre for Ecological Change, as database coordinator. She participates in the University of Helsinki’s Data Cleaning Week and challenges the REC team to join her.

What kind of research do you do? With what kind of data do your work with and how much data do you have?

Bess Hardwick

BH: ”Our research uses existing long-term ecological datasets to study biodiversity and ecological change. My data types include tables, databases and both vector and raster spatial data.”

What kind of challenges have you faced in data management? How do they affect your work?

BH: ”I’ve noticed challenges in accumulating multiple obsolete versions of data as I try different things while exploring and rearranging. This can make it slower to find the correct version for further development, as well as filling up my hard drive.”

How would you challenge yourself to improve your data management during Data Cleaning Week? Who do you challenge to join DCW with you?

BH: ”During the Data Cleaning Week, organized by university Data Support, I challenge myself to improve my data management by deleting unnecessary versions of data. I also challenge the whole REC team to release some space on their computers.”

I challenge myself to improve my data management by deleting unnecessary versions of data. I also challenge the whole REC team to release some space on their computers.

Participate in Data Cleaning Week!

Take the challenge and participate in the Data Cleaning Week by posting a picture of your cleaning effort to Twitter by using the hashtag #5sdata. The picture can be about folder structure, new file naming system for your group, space created by cleaning – you name it! Remember to challenge your colleagues too!

You can also participate in Data Cleaning Week by sending an email to Data Support: We convey your message through the Think Open blog, Twitter and web site.