Does the researcher have time to manage the data? According to Susanna Nykyri, what is needed now is ”investment in time management”

Think Open 2018 revisited! The second blog post of 22 May 2018 was about the data citation roadmap and the emerging phenomenon of research data management and sharing. According to Susanna Nykyri, chief specialist at the Tampere University, recommendations like the roadmap are still important, but tangible responsibilities and resourcing are needed to implement them and support practices. This kind of realism also applies to time: ”What we value in working time planning goes hand in hand with meritocracy practices”, Nykyri says.

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Open science and qualitative research evaluation

”Responsible research evaluation must look past abstract quantitative indicators and examine research in its true context, which requires qualitative research evaluation approaches and methods.” In this blog article, Joona Lehtomäki, a science adviser at the division of strategic research at the Academy of Finland (Research Councils Finland), writes about research evaluation, role of metrics, impact of research, open science and the qualitative turn in research evaluation. Lehtomäki also outlines what would a turn towards more contextualized and qualitative research evaluation mean in practice.

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Better visibility, more impact – and six other advantages of self-archiving

Self-archiving has many kinds of advantages, such as being free of charge and increasing visibility and effectiveness. This article briefly describes the most important advantages of self-archiving. This is the fourth part of Think Open blog’s article series on self-archiving.  [This article was updated in December 8, 2021.]

Jatka lukemista ”Better visibility, more impact – and six other advantages of self-archiving”

Data is on its ways to a recognized research output – the roadmap guides towards better research data citation practices

Recently published data citation roadmap for Finland demonstrates how the data citation is closely related to a number of research data issues, such as research data management, scientific publishing, and the responsible conduct of research. This is the abstract of the original post (in Finnish).

Jatka lukemista ”Data is on its ways to a recognized research output – the roadmap guides towards better research data citation practices”