A webinar on estimating the quality of open access journals – and other open science events in May

Helsinki University Library organises a webinar, which will introduce UH researchers to the characteristic features of predatory publishers and journals and explain by which criteria one can tell the good journals from the predatory journals. In addition to this, library welcomes all University of Helsinki researchers, students and staff to virtual Open Science Café every Tuesday at 2–3 pm until the end of May.

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Open science during coronavirus outbreak – an overview of the manifestations of openness

While states have closed their borders in response to the coronavirus outbreak, science has opened up in a unique way. Researchers have been openly sharing their outputs and making research available across disciplines, publishers have broken down their paywalls, and new ways of creating and disseminating scientific knowledge have been developed. This blog article provides an overview of the manifestations and features of open science over the past few months.

Jatka lukemista ”Open science during coronavirus outbreak – an overview of the manifestations of openness”

Avoin tiede koronan aikaan – katsaus avoimuuden ilmentymiin poikkeustilanteessa

Samalla, kun valtiot ovat sulkeutuneet koronaviruspandemian aikana, tiede on avautunut ainutlaatuisella tavalla. Tutkijat jakavat aineistojaan avoimesti muiden saataville ja tekevät tutkimusta yli tieteenalarajojen, kustantajat purkavat maksumuurejaan ja uusia tapoja tieteellisen tiedon luomiseksi ja välittämiseksi kehitetään. Tässä blogiartikkelissa luodaan yleiskatsaus avoimen tieteen ja tiedon avoimuuden ilmentymiin ja teemoihin viimeisen kolmen kuukauden aikana.

Jatka lukemista ”Avoin tiede koronan aikaan – katsaus avoimuuden ilmentymiin poikkeustilanteessa”

Researcher, take part in Open Science Workshop in March!

On March 17, the Open Science Coordination in Finland will organize a workshop for researchers on the role of researchers in national cooperation. The Open Science Workshop takes place at the House of Science and Letters (Tieteiden talo), and the registration is open until March 8. Researchers are also welcomed to the Open Science Spring Workshop Day on the same day.

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