Research data, how to manage it and how to talk about data management – the blog in October

The Think Open blog articles in October were strongly connected to themes related to research data. In short interviews, researchers shed light on how open data is part of their work, and research data management (RDM) experts talk about RDM problems and their solutions. In the theme of open access, articles concentrated on Plan S, APC and SCOAP3.

(Tämä artikkeli on saatavilla myös suomeksi.)

Open data – interviews

  • ”I think the benefit about opening research data is that other people can build their research and get new insights from the data that has already been developed”, says Aalto researcher Matias Heino in the short blog interview. He also stresses the effective use of resources and the need to verify research results.
  • ”To maintain faith in scientific institutions, our data needs to be available for public and journalistic scrutiny”, says UH researcher Ivo Neefjes in the interview. He also underlines the need to make research data accessible for other researchers with sufficient metadata.
  • ”Personally for me open research data is an enormous opportunity to do research and answer questions others have not yet asked”, says UH microbiologist Antti Karkman in the blog interview. He also speaks on the advantages of open data in his own research and the research in general.

Data management– terms, problems and solutions

Article processing charges (APC)

Open access publishing – Plan S and SCOAP3

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The blog overviews: