Miten kuningas saapui Heldaan? Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila ja Saana Svärd kertovat Gilgameshin open access -julkaisemisesta

Yli kolme vuosituhatta vanha eepos, Gilgamesh, julkaistiin vuonna 2000 suomeksi Jaakko Hämeen Anttilan käännöksenä. Teoksen saatavuus on ollut pitkään heikko, mutta elokuussa 2021 teos julkaistiin avoimesti Helda Open Books -kokoelmassa. Tässä blogiartikkelissa Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila ja apulaisprofessori Saana Svärd kertovat open access -julkaisemisen taustoista. Jatka lukemista ”Miten kuningas saapui Heldaan? Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila ja Saana Svärd kertovat Gilgameshin open access -julkaisemisesta”

Annals of Medicinestä tuli open access -lehti – mikä muuttui ja kannattiko siirtymä?

Vuonna 1989 perustetun lääketieteen alan lehden, Annals of Medicinen (AoM), toimituskunta saavutti viime vuonna yhden tavoitteen, kun Taylor & Francisin omistama lehti muuttui hybridimallisesta julkaisusta open access -lehdeksi. Tässä artikkelissa lehden entinen päätoimittaja ja lehden nykyinen psykiatrian osion vastaava toimittaja Timo Partonen pohtii yhdessä muiden pitkän linjan editorien kanssa muutosta. Esiin nousevat jo aiemmasta Think Open -artikkelista tutut teemat, kuten vaikuttavuus, vertaisarviointi ja käsikirjoitusten laatu.

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”The whole model for science publishing should be rethought” – researchers share their views on open access publishing

What do the University of Helsinki researchers think about article-processing charges, self-archiving, or open access (OA) publishing? Six researchers answered a short questionnaire and shared their views on open science, both at a general level and by answering several specific questions. In principle, open access (OA) is thought of as important and useful; however, from a practical perspective, there are still some challenges relating to expensive APCs (article processing charges), OA platform statistics, and the complex regulations in publishers’ policies.

Jatka lukemista ””The whole model for science publishing should be rethought” – researchers share their views on open access publishing”

How do APCs contribute to the openness of science?

Open access fees (or article processing charges, APCs) are part of a diverse set of options in open access publishing, a sector that aims to make open access to research publications the leading approach. This strategy in scholarly publishing is supported by the different methods that deliver open content. However, in the transition phase, research-intensive universities are particularly affected by open access fees.

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What does a publisher actually do? An independent publisher’s thoughts

Nowadays, when publishing is easier than ever, where do you need a publisher? Why not just put your manuscript online, especially if it is open access? In this blog post, Managing Director Tommi Grover of the Multilingual Matters/Channel View Publications shares the views of an independent international publisher. He brings out how diverse the professional expertises – from editorial, administrative and production to marketing and sales expertises – required to publish a book. He also looks at the costs of publishing in both open access and traditional publishing.

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What work is involved in author fees at the library?

The background work included in open access fees (APCs) ranges from negotiating contracts to processing and advising researchers on funding requests and monitoring fees. In a large research-intensive university like the University of Helsinki, the workload associated with APCs is not insignificant. The goal of the library is to streamline administrative practices and free up researcher time from the payment process.

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What kind of support does the University of Helsinki offer in open access fees?

A significant part of the University of Helsinki’s open access funding is centralised in the library, which offers UH researchers two ways to get support for open access fees (article processing charge, APC). Support can be obtained either through journal subscription deals agreed by the library or directly from the centralised APC funding. These are the two main pathways, in addition to which individual faculties can provide support.

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What are open access author fees (APC)?

Open access author fee or article processing charge (APC) is the price paid for open access publication and it varies depending on the publisher and journal. The APCs finance open access publishing. However, most open access journals do not charge an APC. Open access fees are the subject of a new five-part series on the Think Open blog, and the opening article explains the basic concepts.

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