Avainsana-arkisto: in English

7. luokkalaisten matikkakilpailu 2017

Teksti ja kuvat: Jenni Räsänen

Torstaina 27.4.  kilpailtiin taas matematiikassa, kun 7. luokkalaisten matematiikkakilpailun Helsingin aluekilpailun finaali järjestettiin Kumpulan kampuksella.  Alkukarsintaan osallistui 588 nuorta 33 koulusta. Heistä 17 kutsuttiin finaaliin. Alkukarsinnassa taso oli huikea ja finaaliin pääsemiseen vaadittiin vähintään 12/15 pistettä!

Odotusajalle oli taas tarjolla kärryllinen erilaisia yksin tai ryhmissä pelattavia lautapelejä.

Kilpailutehtävien ratkomiseen oli varattu 85 minuuttia aikaa.  Tehtävissä laskettiin murtoluvuilla, pohdittiin alkulukuja sekä ratkottiin kulmien suuruuksia. Edellisvuosien tapaan matikkaluokka Summamutikka tarjosi kilpailutulosten julkistamista odotteleville nuorille mielekästä tekemistä pelien ja pulmien parissa.

Kilpailun voittajaksi julistettiin Juho Arala, joka sai huimat 29/30 pistettä . Kilpailussa parhaiten menestyneet palkittiin kirjapalkinnoin ja kaikki finalistit kutsuttiin jatkamaan matematiikkaharrastustaan osallistumalla Suomen matemaattisen yhdistyksen valmennusjaoston järjestämään jatkovalmennukseen. Onnittelut kaikille finaaliin päässeille hienosta suorituksesta!

Finalistien suosikkipulma oli jälleen kerran Einsteinin ongelma.

Myös matematiikan ja tilastotieteen laitoksella TET-harjoittelua suorittanut, 8.-luokkalainen Harvey Lim pääsi ratkomaan 7. luokkalaisten matematiikkakilpailun alkukarsinnan tehtäviä. Seuraavassa Harveyn ajatuksia tehtävistä:

”This math competition, meant for 7th graders, was held during 6th of March to the 10th of March. It was quite a challenge even for me, since it covered so many fields of mathematics, such as trigonometry, percentages etc. Most of the problems were either simple or intermediate, but there were a few that were rather difficult. The difficult ones were those which required more critical thinking and problem solving, and needed to be thought through.

There were also a few questions that required pattern recognition. For example, one of them was: How many different powers of 2 up to 2¹⁰⁰(as in 2¹, 2², 2³….2¹⁰⁰) ended with the number 6?

This one took me a while, since I had no idea where to look. It was only until I started slowly solving each power that I found a pattern which then gave me the answer.

From this, I learnt more about some mathematics-related fields that I had previously ignored, as they were used in ways I haven’t yet thought of in this test. It was quite a surprise for me to find it so hard!”

Loppukilpailun tuloksia pääsee tarkastelemaan täällä. Kilpailutehtävät ratkaisuineen on julkaistu kilpailujen verkkosivuilla.

Helsingin aluekilpailua järjestävät Suomen matemaattisen yhdistyksen valmennusjaos yhteistyossä Helsingin yliopiston matematiikan ja tilastotieteen laitoksen sekä Summamutikka-luokan (osa Helsingin yliopiston LumA-tiedekasvatuskeskusta) kanssa.

Ipad-pelit testissä

Teksti: Harvey Lim
Kuva: Jenni Räsänen

8.-luokkalainen Harvey Lim pääsi testaamaan iPad-pelejä osana TET-harjoitteluaan. Harvey testasi yhteensä kuutta iPad-peliä, joista Wuzzit Troublea lukuunottamatta kaikki ovat maksuttomia. Testattavat pelit olivat: Wuzzit Trouble, Rush Hour, Fill the cup, Cargo-bot, Fill a pix ja Bee-Bot.

”Apps. They are one of the rapidly developing part of education. Not only are most of them free to get but they are also really easy to use, even for younger people. I have tested several educational apps, ranging from those which teach simple mathematics like addition and subtraction, to those which teach fractions and require problem solving skills. This is a good way to learn things since most apps use pictures and interactive exercises to teach, making it easy to remember what you have learnt.

I also tested some games which required me to think ahead. These games are those which teach you how code works without knowing how to code. They are usually made so that the user has to move something/someone in the game but the only way they can do it is via a set of instructions that the user has to give the object to move it.

In a nutshell, apps are the easiest way to pick up subject, especially mathematics, since it teaches you how to visualise more complex equations, making them easy to understand and use. Not only is it good for mathematics, but it is also good for learning code since some apps teach how to “give instructions” which is basically the start of basic coding.”

Copy of the Visit From Three Weeks Ago

Text by Emma Karjalainen and Jenni Räsänen
Photo by Jenni Räsänen

Three weeks ago we had a visiting group of fifth graders from the International school of Vantaa. The teacher had advertised their visit at the school and soon we got a contact from a teacher of another fifth grade. She also wanted  the Amazing Race of Math for her class.

So we were happy to organize the race for this group. We had all the puzzles ready to go and the visit was a real success.  Pupils were amazingly fast solving all the problems and they were a little bit exhausted after running around the stairs between four floors.

The check-points were hidden on four floors in Exactum.

Some of the fastest teams had also time to play some math games on iPad. For example Rush Hour was so popular game that some of the students thought that they could download it to their own phones.

Amazing Race in English

Text and photos by Jenni Räsänen

On Thursday 7th of April we got a group of 5th graders from the Internalional School of Vantaa. The students were really excited about the visit. We had planned a tricky math race for them. It’s called Amazing Race of Math.

In the race the teams needed to find all ten check points hidden in the campus and to solve the problems. The teams got a map where the check points were marked.

The rules of the race are:

  1. If a team should get lost or doesn’t know what to do next, the team must go back to Math Classroom Origo.
  2. There can be only one team at a control point at a time!
  3. The control point must be left in a same condition as it was when the team arrived.
  4. All the answers to the questions on the control points must be documented with the iPad as a video or a photo.
  5. The teams have 60 minutes to find and solve the problems. The team must come back to Origo even if they haven’t had the time to go to every control point.

There were many different kind of problems and puzzles, for example Tower of Hanoi, Bridge Rally of Königsberg, Pentominoes and some Match Problems.

Here are some answers to the problems:

The Bridge Rally of Königsberg.
Pentomino Tower.
Match Problem.

Maybe a little bit more time would have been needed to solve all the problems but the teams did really good. And what was most important, they had fun!