User account and password validity

The most important source of information related to your user accounts is the “User account information” form which you can view on the IT Center’s Helpdesk site. In this form you can find, for instance, your user information and the end date of your user account (username).

Extending the user account

Normally the validity of your account is extended automatically after your registration for the university is complete. The validity of the account depends on whether you have registered for the full academic year or just one term.

 Present  Account validity
 The full academic year  until 30 September
 Only the autumn term  until 31 January
 Only the spring term  until 30 September

Keep in mind that your user account and its password are different things. Extending the user account does not extend the validity of your password!

Validity of the password

The password of the university user account is valid for one year.  If you have other user accounts issued by departments or faculties, the validity of their passwords may vary. Information about these validities can be obtained from the issuer of the user account in question.

Please make sure you do not forget your own password or let it expire! If this happens,
reset your password at the electronic reset service or
verify your identity at an ID Point service desk and call the Helpdesk.

You can always enhance information security by changing your password more than once a year.

User account lockout

If you enter a wrong or expired password several times in a row, the system locks your user account for around 15 minutes. When the account is locked, you can no longer log in to the university’s services even if you entered your password correctly.

Usually the account will be unlocked automatically after a while. If you still do not remember your password or if the password has expired, reset your password at the reset service or contact the ID Point service and the Helpdesk (see the links above).

The University of Helsinki IT Security Test was introduced for all degree students in spring 2022. You will be informed about your test schedule via email. Read more about completing the test in the Studies Service. If you do not take the IT Security Test by the assigned date, your user account will be locked. If your user account is locked and you have not taken the University of Helsinki IT Security Test, please contact IT Helpdesk.