Section P.1 exercises


  1. What do the file formats doc, docx, and wpd have in common and what should you keep in mind when using them?
  2. What should you keep in mind when using special fonts?

EXERCISE 2 – Spreadsheets

  1. What are the parts of the rows and columns in a spreadsheet called?

EXERCISE 3 – Images and drawings

  1. What are the individual dots in a bit map called?
  2. What are the advantages of vector graphics over bit maps?

EXERCISE 4 – Creating structured documents

  1. How is structured managing of data useful in e.g. word processing?

EXERCISE 5 – Choosing the right tool

  1. Which of the following would be a suitable and fast tool, is compatible with several programs, for writing notes: a desktop-publishing program, a word-processor program or a text editor?



  1. These file formats are exclusive to specific commercial programs, so their principle is not open to software developers around the world. This means that it may be difficult to open them with another manufacturer’s program, all of the formatting created in a doc or wpd document may not look the same in other programs etc. In addition, docx files created with newer versions of Office may not open at all with older versions of the software.
  2. All fonts do not include e.g. the Scandinavian umlauts å, ä and ö.

EXERCISE 2 – Spreadsheets

  1. Cells

EXERCISE 3 – Images and drawings

  1. Pixels.
  2. Altering the size of vector graphics does not affect their quality.

EXERCISE 4 – Structured handling of data

  1. You can utilize such automatic features as style sheets, table of contents and indexing in word-processor programs.

EXERCISE 5 – Choosing the right tool

  1. A text editor.